Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Insomnia - I can't get no sleep!

Okay, first off I'll get the apologies out of the way for the cringey, 'song reference in a blog post title' behaviour on my part. I mean, I really couldn't resist. Secondly, I must emphasise greatly here that I am possibly the least medically informed person on the internet. Perhaps even in real life, who knows? I once convinced myself that a blister on my toe was a spider bite. And by once, I'm talking just a few months ago. It's not totally out of the question though. I remember watching one of those deadly animal programmes ages ago and one of the pieces of strong advice given was to ensure you tip your shoes upside-down before putting them on, so that you rid them of any hidden, creepy-crawlies. I'm not entirely sure if this applies to people living in Finland, or people living anywhere outside of Australia, America or the jungle, but I guess it's always better to be safe than sorry. My point being that if you are looking for anything more informative than an over-tired 26 year old 'adult' wittering on about her lack of sleep, this blog post is probably not for you.

So, Insomnia. It's a funny word really, but one that seems to fit really well. It's kind of almost 'Insane' and that's definitely how having Insomnia makes me feel sometimes. I don't remember how old I was when I started having difficulty sleeping. I just remember being at college and lying awake through the night until sunrise the next day. I went through whole periods of time, somehow surviving on an hours sleep per night, although I do use the term surviving very loosely. Throughout most of my life since then, I have had varying degrees of difficulty sleeping. I guess it comes in waves as such. The struggle is always there, just some days it's not as tough. 

The idea of medication is not something that appeals to me. I hate the thought of having to drug myself up in order to have a good night's kip. Being the resourceful girl that I am, I took to some 'alternative' remedies. Now, don't be getting any funny ideas... I learnt some breathing exercises designed to aid relaxation but these just made me forget how to actually breathe properly and I ended up just feeling out of breath and a little bit daft. Next, I took to YouTube for sleep videos. You know, the kind that play slightly spooky music with the sound of trickling water and crackling fires. These worked for a little while, but in the end, I think I just got used to them. I don't drink much tea or coffee, and even when I do, it's never any later than lunch time.I don't really know what else to do. I feel like tearing my hair out over the fact that when it comes to the time to sleep, I just can't switch off. Perhaps I have an over-active imagination or maybe my brain spends too much time arsing about during the day that it feels bed-time is the appropriate time for some more serious thinking, your guess is as good as mine?! The worst thing is about that though, is I usually end up falling down a Google-shaped rabbit hole and end up reading up on conspiracy theories and/or diagnosing myself with a whole wealth of different illnesses and diseases; including spider bite poisoning. It's never really beneficial to anyone. 

The Mothership always used to tell me that if you go to sleep late and wake up really early, then you'll be tired the following night. In theory this sounds all fine and dandy, but in reality, it just doesn't work for me. The amount of sleep I have the night before has zero bearing on the amount of sleep I'll get the following night. That is, until I hit a stone wall of exhaustion and end up sleeping for a bazillion hours. Even so, that doesn't happen all that often. I kid you not, my best night's sleep are after I've had a skinfull of alcopops. Probably not the message I should be portraying here, and I doubt this will feature on an NHS poster any time soon, but sometimes I do feel that life would be that little bit easier if I became a jolly drunk. If you excuse all of the other obvious flaws, of course. 

Does anyone else have difficulty sleeping? What things have you tried to help you drift off and what do you find works/doesn't work for you? Maybe I'll give Faithless a call and we can share tips. 


  1. I sometimes can't sleep and it is the most frustrating thing! I'll lay in bed until the early hours of the morning trying desperately to drift off... it's worse when I have to get up early the next day and end up trying to cope with hardly any sleep!
    Maddie x

    1. This is so me! I hate when I know I have to be up early the next day and I lie awake ALL night! So frustrating!!! Thanks for commenting Maddie xxx

  2. I get stress related insomnia and the months leading up to buying our house was the worse. I barely slept, in the end while I didn't want to I did have to start taking meds (just the shops own stuff) and it was a big help. You do have to be careful to not take it regularly but I did find it was easy on following nights to sleep after taking some meds. Sometimes though, you just have to get out of bed, sometimes just laying there is the worse.

    1. Awww no.. That's so bad! Hopefully things are a bit better for you now. I am really worried about becoming reliant on meds and so have always avoided them - bar once when I was sick and was prescribed sleeping tabs to stop me waking up in the night. It's such a frustrating situation to be in and a lack of sleep is so difficult to cope with. Thanks for commenting Rachael xxx

  3. There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep. When I can't sleep I usually go on my phone or laptop and that of course makes it worse! x

    Sinead - Dreaming Again

    1. I feel you! I have really tried so hard lately to stay off my phone etc when I can't sleep. It has made a small difference and I find that I tend to doze off sooner than I would if I was sat reading crap on the internet. Thanks for commenting Sinead xxx

  4. I completely feel you girl. I've had sleep issues my whole life. I think part of it is I get so anxious when it's time to sleep and my mind is running a mile a minute. And I hear you, no matter what suggested amendments I make to my lifestyle, eating, excercise habits, it doesn't help that much. Although I will admit when I am regular about my excercise it does help a bit. :-)

    1. Awww, it sucks that you struggle too! It's so frustrating isn't it!? I am trying to be more active just now and exercise more regularly so hopefully that will have a positive effect on my sleeping habits! xxx


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