Friday, 19 September 2014

To the serial unfollowers...

Followers that unfollow the minute you follow them. Why do you do this? As a matter of fact, every. single. person. knows why you do this. It's mostly because you're an asshole; but some small part of you must think that this is a really excellent way to get followers or something. Maybe I missed this part of social media class? 

I think we'll call you, 'serial unfollowers' or Swollowers for short - Not Swallowers, because that's just a little bit weird and, well... you know! The thing is swollowers, I know your game and I'm super sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just not playing along. You see swollowers, we live in what's called, 'The 21st Century' where great things have been invented; like robots and I presume, beer pong, but most importantly, apps. What would we do without apps, eh? A bit naively, I started out this blogging malarkey thinking that those who followed me on the likes of Twitter and Instagram, did so because they wanted to... silly me. But soon I clocked on to your sneaky, sneaky ways and invested in clever little things to reveal all of you lovely swollowers to me. I mean, it would have been an awful shame for your crafty little display to have gone unnoticed. 

Some of you swollowers have really great content out there, which is such a pity because, well you know the saying; 'Once an asshole, always an asshole.' I'm not entirely sure if this is really a saying but it should be. I feel a little bit sad that we got off on such a wrong footing. I want to like you and your beautiful Instagram pictures, but I haven't quite mastered the skill of being able to forgive and forget. Perhaps this is something I need to work on so excuse me for coming across a little bit defensive. My point is that we're never going to be friends... and it doesn't really matter how many times you re-add me and delete me again, things just wont work out between us. It's not me, it's you. Really sorry about that.



  1. This is my new favourite post :') definitely needed to be said! xx
    Catherine | Counter Pretty

  2. I have a couple of serial follow unfollowers on twitter - they are so draining. One day i'm going to get around to tweeting at them to say I know what their up to. You can normally tell who they are to when you look at their stats.

    1. Arghhh.. That's so annoying! I have a prolific one on Bloglovin too! What goes through the minds of these people!? Madness xxx

  3. Preach it! It's quite sad really that people only care about their numbers rather than having an actual interest in other people's blogs and content. Beth xxx

    1. It's such a shame! Especially when they actually have a decent blog and interesting content. I'd never follow someone like that, no matter how great or popular they were xxx

  4. Really light hearted way to broach this subject great writing x

    1. Thank you very much. I'm glad that you enjoyed it xxx

  5. Great post - I've noticed some weird follow / unfollow antics and it is a bit annoying that some people (and businesses) are so cynical!!

    1. Thank you. I've noticed it with a few businesses also. It's really off-putting. xxx

  6. This post is spot on! I can't stand anything more than a 'follow for follow' once I had this girl follow and unfollow me FOUR times I then found out she was doing it to loads of others shame really as her content and pictures were pretty good but I'm exactly the same as you and can't forgive and forget so easily! Love the way you've written this :) xxx

    1. Arghh, when will these people learn!? I would be mortified if I ever did the whole, 'follow for follow' thing. (Not that I ever would, but you know!) Thanks for your lovely comment Charlotte. xxx

  7. Got a follow from me on that one :) I also promise to not un follow too

    Pam @

  8. I looove this post! You literally got it spot on ahah those cheeky swollowers. Follow for follow is getting to ridiculous levels. xxx

    1. Thanks lovely. It's so bad on Instagram! Spam for spam, follow for follow... Just no! Thanks for commenting Nikki xxx

  9. If they'd put as much effort into actually socialising with people (you know, what social networking sites were intended for) as they did following and unfollowing people they'd probably have more followers.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  10. Such a shame that you needed to have to post this, I'm relatively new to to the blogging world (although I've had my blog since 2011!), I can definitely see it's far more competitive now then when I started. I know for one, I would much rather have 10 people read and enjoy my blog then 100 people making up the numbers! :) xx

    1. So true. It's such a shame that it's just a numbers game to some people.. There's so much to gain from interacting with other bloggers and actually engaging with your followers etc. Thanks for commenting Katie xxx

  11. Oh my, SUCH a great post. I have just read this and nodded along with every thing that you said. I have had people do this and it winds me up so much. People with like 20,000 followers follow and then unfollow. I think it's just plain rude, do you really need to build yourself up that much and push others down? I think the blogging world is great for communication. Don't unfollow, get to know and chat to people xxx

    1. Thank you very much Amanda, glad you enjoyed it. I personally don't know how these people find the time to sit and follow/unfollow a load of people. How do they keep track? Haha... It's so annoying and I completely agree with everything you say!! Thanks for the comment xxx

  12. This was hilarious and well written as always. I've kinda noticed the unfollowing thing too, though I've not been tracking anything - I didn't even know you could do that! :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you very much Kimmy. I have an app on my phone that shows people who unfollow. It's a shame that I've even had to download such a thing but I was tired of all the swollowers! It's ridiculous how many sneaky people there are xxx

  13. This is soo funny and true! X

  14. I love this haha! Nothing annoys me more than people who do this. I constantly notice my followers on twitter going up, then back down as they unfollow me just because i don't follow back. It's pathetic but at least I know who truly wants to follow me and who's doing it for the numbers! Xo

    1. Couldn't agree more! It's so annoying when people do that. I'd rather someone follow me because they want to, rather than in a desperate bid for more followers xxx

  15. This made me smile big and wide :D I love your sarcasm (I sincerely hope it was sarcasm) and I have to agree. And I love your creative new terminology.

    "Swollowers" really are nuisances on the Internet. I've had my fair share of them on Instagram - after I posted a picture thanking my followers for helping me reach 100 followers, I learnt that I was back down to 98. I mean, really? How stupid does my artsy '100' picture look now? I guess I could laugh it off - laughing at yourself is the best way to eliminate the little unimportant things that stress us out in this day and age (plus it confuses the hell out of haters... Evil grin hehe), but it's just annoying. My question to the Swollowers out there: why would you want to be annoying?

    Anyway, thank you for this uplifting rant post. It's not often we get this combination. Jan out. x

    1. Haha, that always happens! I've had something similar too.. 'Yay - one away from so many followers...' next thing you've had several people unfollow and you just look silly. Oh well! Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks so much for commenting xxx

  16. That happens on Twitter A LOT!! I love the "Unfollowers" app. I see all the people that want to play that game. They wont get me as a loyal follower and reader.

    1. I know, the apps are great right!? Thanks for commenting xxx

  17. This!!
    Love that you've wrote this. Its one thing I reeeeallllly hate, especially on Twitter. I mean who has the time for this shit? Haha. Just follow who you like and stop being a prick!
    Anyway, sorry for swearing haha. You're awesome, this post is awesome <3

    Jemma xx

    1. Haha, great comment! Summed it up in a nutshell! Bunch of pricks!! xxx

  18. I really can't understand why they do it. You follow me? If I have the time, I check back: if I like what I see, I follow. I don't? I simply click away! Why can't they do that too? Too time consuming to see if they're interested? Then why are you interested in gaining followers if you're not a follower of what you're interested in yourself? Anyway, loved this! ;) xx

    Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty | GIVEAWAY

    1. Thanks, glad that you enjoyed it and thanks for commenting. I hate all that follow for follow nonsense! Drives me up the wall! Haha xxx


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