Monday, 8 September 2014

Sharing is caring...

From an early age, I think many of us have it drummed into us that sharing is the done thing and being generous with your stuff is a desirable quality. But, I got to thinking, and that's not always a good thing. Is sharing really all that great? I mean yes, giving someone your last Rolo is all very nice and everything, but what happens when sharing goes too far? I say this because I am mutual friends with a few, 'over-sharers' on Facebook. You know the kind. Car. Crash. TV. I'm all for not judging people, but when you read a status update about someone's intimate fungal infection, it's pretty hard to not let your jaw drop to the floor. 

Moving on from frightening visuals, it seems that with the rise of social media, many people have shed their inhibitions and plastered great quantities of their life on the internet for the world to see. I get what you're thinking, us bloggers are not exempt from this; however I do like to think that I maintain some level of privacy and should I so happen to have a blazing row with my partner, resulting in one or both of us checking into a hotel room and spending the night sending passive-aggressive text messages to one another, I wouldn't go advertising the details on Facebook for nosey bastards like myself to enjoy. It makes uncomfortable reading in the kind of way where you want to keep going and read it all, but every fibre of your body is cringing so hard that you begin to worry about developing a hernia. 

What gets to me about the over-sharers are the ones that document every fart of their children. Don't get me wrong, I am all for sharing precious moments online, but when it's graphic information of little Bob shitting himself in the local supermarket, I can't help but wonder if that snippet of information will ever come back to haunt him in ten years time when he's making new friend's in high-school. It scares me a little. Perhaps I fall into the last generation where my childhood was documented by crap quality photo prints from Max Speilmann and my embarrassing moments hidden away in a leather-bound album, buried deep in the back of my Mum's wardrobe. I'm grateful that the world of Facebook hasn't seen me in the bath with my lady bits out, before I'd even matured enough to consider the thought of having a boyfriend. I'm not saying that if by some miraculous feat of nature, I end up with a child, that I won't ever post pictures on my Facebook. I just worry about what's in store for the generation of 'naughties' kids in the future. 

Maybe society has evolved in the wake of the social media era and people are a lot more candid these days. Maybe it's a good thing and maybe I need to get with the times. Who knows? 

Happy Monday folks!

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  1. I agree with this post so much- I love how social media does enable me to keep up with so much more of my friends' lives than if we could only ever catch up when we meet in person, but there are some things I'm never going to care about! Cute baby pictures are one thing, a day by day account of potty training another. Instead of sharing important moments with only our close friends/ the relevant people, it's like the default is just to share with the world and that's not always for the best
    Jennifer x

    1. Great comment! I completely agree with you. I only have Facebook because I live away from home and it enables me to keep in touch with people; other than that, I would never use it. xxx

  2. I completely understand your concerns and this post in general. Over-sharers are the reason why I quit Facebook for personal use ! Just too many silly things to handle..


    1. I think Facebook has some positive things going for it, but it's far overshadowed by the negatives. I'll be quitting Facebook as soon as I move back to the UK. Right now I like it to keep up to date with my friends and family xxx

  3. I completely agree! I had this conversation many years ago right around when facebook first launched and some friends of mine posted some questionable pics. I told them my :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. You have to be so careful.. who knows where your pictures could end up!? Scary! xxx

  4. Great post! I am lucky enough to not have much drama show up on my feed and I actually know quite a few people who won't allow photos of their child to be posted online. I am too much of a photo freak that I probably wouldn't be able to do that but I hope I keep the bath pics for family only!

    1. Thank you. I think I may need to weed out some of the over sharers. I enjoy seeing the odd baby picture on Facebook and chances are I'd post a couple just to be like, 'I made this human' but I do feel that some people take it really far. In the nicest possible way, you can't be entirely sure where those photos are going to end up xxx

  5. As always such a great and true post! I can't even go on facebook anymore as most of the people i went to school with have already had children and are engaged, i just can't deal with the endless status updates which i don't care about! I really do worry about the future of it too and I am so glad we didn't have all of this when we were younger. I deffo need a social media ban!! xxx

    1. Thanks lovely. I'm so in agreement with you! I think that if Facebook had been a thing when I was a child, I probably wouldn't have friends... I'm talking mixing bowl haircuts and velour jogging bottoms. Nobody needs that level of embarrassment growing up! Haha xxx


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