Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Peek: My Bedroom

Last Wednesday I moved into my brand, spanking new apartment; and in case you were wondering, I've been rather excited about it. So much so, that whenever I now say to Scott, 'Guess what!?' he automatically groans and begs me not to tell him how much I love our apartment. I mean look at the title of this post. 'My' bedroom. It's all mine, even though it isn't really. I guess I'm too happy to share it with Scott right now. Maybe I should suggest he sleeps on the settee for a little while? Maybe I should just ask him to move out? Okay, jokes aside, I went way off on a tangent there. What I really wanted to do was give you a little sneak peek into my favourite room. Not only because that's where the sleeping happens, and I mean sleeping is my thing; but also because who doesn't love having a good ol' nosey around someone else's house? So, shall we get to it then?

Five points to anyone who can spot the photo frame sans photo, and ten points to anyone who can remind me to print a picture off to fill it with. I've owned it for nearly two years, it's about time it served its purpose. 

Does anyone else just love a clean, white bedroom? 


  1. I love the clean white - wait - the frame without the photo is obvious right - the heart? Am I missing something? lol. And you should fill it with a photo of you and Scott pre-wedding and then get another one 6 months later post-wedding. Just Kidding. Jokes. The natural light in there is awesome! :-D

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you, yes.. it's the heart frame! Haha.. I've been meaning to print a photo off for it for AGES but just never have. I'm so rubbish with things like that. I love how bright and light the room is, hence why it's my favourite room in the whole apartment xxx

  2. I love the simpleness of white room- I'd love one! At the moment I'm living in a furnished student flat, and as much as I love buying little things to make it pretty, nothing would make me happier than changing the furniture and carpet to something a little nicer.
    Jennifer x

    1. I feel you. I had the same when I lived away at uni. Also even now, my partner's company have provided most of our furniture as we are living abroad so it's still not 100% how I would have it but it's not far off. We really lucked out in finding this apartment though so I can't complain at all xxx

  3. Beautiful!

  4. Such a gorgeous bedroom! I love white bedrooms with wooden flooring! Enjoy your bedroom gorgeous xx

  5. Is this for real?? Are you serious? No way! I want that room. WANT!
    It's so pretty and light and airy, exactly how I would love my room to be.
    And I love the wallpaper.
    Next time you laze about blogging in your zen fresh white boudoir, think of me, crammed into my London studio flat, where the living room is also the bedroom and i'm constantly surrounded by my boyfriends smelly socks :(
    x tink x

    1. Hahaha.. I literally snorted my cup of tea reading your comment! Brilliant! We got really lucky with this apartment. I've lived in less desirable accommodation before. xxx

  6. So pretty! And bright! Especially for the UK.

    I love white but I'm a bit obsessed with very light grey at the moment too. Fun post!!


    1. Thanks. I'm currently living in Finland which means the fact that it is bright is even more surprising! Haha. I love light grey tones too. That's the look we have going on in our living room :) xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, what a gorgeous room. Colour me jealous!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  9. Oh my word, I love it. Plus it looks super sleek and easy to maintain. The size of it is lovely, I hate my room as it's such a pain to get round and get in all the nooks and crannies! You should be really happy as moving in to your first home/flat is such a good feeling. I hope you both enjoy it!
    Rebecca xxx


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