Tuesday, 16 September 2014

I have never...

If you've ever been to university, been 18 and irresponsible or in fact, 26 and irresponsible, then you may have heard of the drinking game, I have never. Basically, everyone takes it in turn to state something that they have never done and if you have done the usually heinous act in question, then you must take a swig of your cheeky vimto, or whatever beverage you are currently killing off your brain cells with. Well today I thought I'd play a little blog version of I have never, minus the alcohol because alcohol and I are going through a rough patch in our relationship. I'm not necessarily saying it's over between us, but the three day hangover that I have suffered with recently has really left a bitter taste in my mouth... quite literally. It's safe to say we won't be hanging out any time soon, believe me. 

So, back to the topic at hand. Here goes a bunch of stuff that I have never done... seriously *cough*

- Buttered my toast with a spoon because I couldn't find a knife. 

- Cried because I'm so hungry and cried more because I'm too indecisive to choose what to eat. This didn't happen in the last few days either. 

- Tanned only the body parts that can be seen without getting nakey because I'm too lazy to do the job lot. 

- Eaten almost an entire block of cheese whilst drunk.

- Believed that Kuala Lumpur is in fact a country and that Malaysia was just sort of an area in Asia. 

- Woken up in a daze and asked my partner what colour he is feeling today. Seriously, never done that. 

- Lost a shoe on a night out. 

- Accidentally ordered 162 chicken nuggets from McDonald's. One hell of a delivery. (Yes, they deliver in Qatar) 

- Laughed/sneezed Tizer out of my nose. Do they even still make that stuff?

- Purchased the same item of clothing in an array of different colours. 

- Eaten a teaspoon of fish food as a dare.

- Miss read cooking instructions and cremated a quiche by cooking it at 400 degrees Celsius rather than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

- Knocked a person off a motorbike the first time I ever touched the steering wheel of a car. (No one was hurt - thank god!)

- Fell asleep in the public bathroom of the luxurious, 5-star, St Regis hotel. 

- Met a Nepalese man and expressed my love for his country and cuisine by accurately describing the contents and flavour of Nasi Goreng, a well-known Indonesian dish. 

So guys, it's time to 'fess up! Pop some things you've never done in a comment below so we can all marvel at what sensible human beings we are. 


  1. I have never...

    - eaten chocolate cake and whip cream for breakfast

    - purchased anything (clothes, kitchen/bathroom/bedroom/HOME supplies, office supplies, etc.) just because it's the colour purple

    - put mascara on my (male) dog's eyelashes because they are like 1.5" long


    1. Hahaha... chocolate for breakfast should really be encouraged. I'm all for that! xxx

  2. Do you live in Qatar? I loved this idea for a post and it made me giggle alot haha xx

    1. I lived in Qatar for around 18 months but I moved to Finland in February this year. Glad you enjoyed the post :) xxx

  3. I've just recovered from my Saturday hangover haha, growing old sucks! I love this idea for a post. Something I have *never* done - accidentally caused a bomb scare leaving my lunchbox outside a library. Oops!

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

    1. Standing ovation for that one right there! That's absolutely brilliant. Haha... I wish I could handle my alcoholic beverages the way I used to. It really isn't great. Old age eh! xxx

  4. I've never got stopped by the police while pushing my friend around in a M&S trolley on a Newcastle street on the way home from a night out.

    1. So sensible. I love that this has *never* happened to you! Haha xxx

  5. I loved this post-made me laugh so much!

    I have never thought Lapland was a made up country because that's where father Xmas lives and he erm doesn't exist!

    1. Haha, I can totally see where you're coming from with that one! No shame... Glad you liked it xxx

  6. Haha this was brilliant! The first game ever played at uni and by the end you knew EVERYTHING about everyone haha! I have so sneezed drink out of my nose before too haha! Never have i ever walked out of cinema without paying for pic n mix because i couldnt be bothered to wait haha xxx

    1. Sneezing drinks out of your nose is the worst, especially if it's fizzy! So painful. I'm going to pretend I didn't read your admission to petty theft. Haha.. We've all been there! Also kinda craving pic and mix now. xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. These are great, especially the MacDonalds delivery!


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