Monday, 20 October 2014

Weekend catch up...

Today's post is going to be a bit of a weekend catch up/generous portion of waffle so you may want to mentally prepare yourself before continuing. 

On Saturday, Scott and I headed to Helsinki, partly because it was his birthday last Tuesday and he wanted to drag out his celebrations a bit longer, and mostly because I had been dying to raid LUSH's Helsinki store and check out the new M&S store that just opened... Yes, M&S in Finland, the shopping gods have been kind these last few months! If you caught this post, then you'll probably be wondering why I even bothered heading to LUSH at all seeing as I have a serious lack of bath, but after much moping around and genuine consideration of buying something along the lines of this:

Scott suggested we buy a bag full of bath bombs and go wild on the bath front in our hotel in Vietnam... and this is why I'm marrying him folks. This boy just gets me. 

I was a very excitable kid in a candy shop at LUSH and managed to pick up a tonne of stuff that I'm absolutely dying to use. I'll be featuring them in a post really soon, so you can have a peek at what I managed to get my paws on. Also, M&S is four whole floors of clothing greatness; however I was really disappointed that the food section was TINY! Decent, home comfort food is a bit of a rarity in Finland so I was hoping for something a little more exciting than a few packets of shortbread biscuits and some mint imperials.

One of the last times I was in Helsinki, I stumbled across the beauty brand Inglot and I picked up one of their Freedom System palettes. You can read all about it here. Well, I may or may not have picked up a third shadow to fill my palette. It's actually a little different to the usual shades I pick up, so I'm looking forward to sharing it with you soon. Scott and I also picked  up some winter woollies whilst we were out and about as the weather is getting so nippy now! It was -3 over the weekend and when we returned to our apartment on Sunday evening, every last leaf had fallen from the trees in our garden. Brrr...

In other news, we're now in sniffing distance of our jolly holidays and I have to admit, I'm more than a little bit excited. Okay, that's probably the understatement of the Century right there as I've barely been able to contain myself these last few weeks. It's a wonder I still have friends because my recent conversations include; holiday, holiday and ermm.. holiday! Did I mention I was going on holiday? It's felt like a long time coming though and I'm so pleased that it's now almost here. We're heading to Paree for a couple of days to sightsee and watch Lady Gaga in concert... on Halloween! One can only imagine how weird and wonderful that is going to be! Then it's on to Vietnam for cocktails, culture and more LUSH baths than you can shake a stick at!

Right, I've had my fun, I'll ditch the vay-cay chit chat, but before I do, I'm hoping some of you knowledgeable travellers out there may be able to pass on some good recommendations for things to see and do in Paris. We've pre-booked our Eiffel tower visit and intend on doing a fair bit of sight-seeing but if there are any must dos, pop them in a comment below and we will try and work them into our trip. Please and thank you.

I'm going to wrap it up here as I'm pretty sure that's enough waffle for one day. Sorry today's post is a bit all over the place, I will hopefully be back with something a bit more exciting tomorrow! 

How was everyone's weekend? Did you get up to anything exciting?


  1. I love Lush. So many good baths because of them hahaha.
    I'd like to let you know that I've nominated you to the The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Awards. You can see the details in my blog if you want to :D

    Bea xx

    1. Thank you very much! :)

      I love LUSH so much! Just wish I had a bath so that I could enjoy it all the time!! xx

  2. I got a bit tipsy this weekend at an international cultural fest. We have one every year here in The Bahamas. I was looking forward to the food but have to admit I was disappointed. I also visited a LUSH last weekend when I was away in the U.S. - it was like a fix after having been torn away for so long. I actually forgot to take photos...bad blogger (slaps hand). :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Hoorah for tipsy weekends! Shame you were disappointed about the food though! The first rule of blogging is that you ALWAYS photograph everything you buy before using it!! Haha.. Maybe you can use it as an excuse to pick up more as soon as you're next able to? xxx


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