Thursday, 2 April 2015

Being Guinea Pigs - A New Camera

Last week, Scott and I invested in a DSLR camera. I say Scott and I because technically he bought it but when you're more or less married, these things are kinda shared items - a bit like the couch. However, unfortunately Scott wasn't blessed with the gift of being a good photographer, and that's putting it politely. It's somewhat of a running joke between us, (and well, now all of you lot too!) Deep down he's secretly praying that I'll mange the task of documenting our lives in image form whilst he sticks to managing the 'grown up' stuff... you know, all the boring, life admin tasks that reduce me to drinking wine from the bottle and muttering profanities. 

In short, I decided to try out our new toy taking snaps of the pigs. Ralph was all for it, so much so that trying to photograph him without his nose stuck up against the lens; proved challenging. Hamish on the other hand was completely disinterested and refused to perform for the camera in any way whatsoever. Diva. She's a girl after my own heart. As a result, most of the snaps are of Ralph being curious whilst Hamish sat in her hammock looking all smug. 

Oh, and before we hop to it, these pictures were taken in manual mode, on the very first day of said camera ownership - shortly after I'd resorted to watching a You Tube video on how to attach the neck strap so please be kind. There are so many things, (technically) wrong with the images - mostly that they are over-exposed, out of focus in parts etc. but I thought I'd share them anyway for the cuteness factor. Enjoy. 

If you have any photography tips and tricks, let me know or if you have any photography related blog posts - leave your link in a comment below and I'll be sure to check them out. 


  1. The images are great! So jealous of your new toy! :) And the pigs are super cute! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  2. I actually quite like these photos so don't be harsh on yourself since you're obviously a natural! I took me a long while to use my camera on manual and mine is not even a full DSLR. Btw never knew how adorable guinea pigs could be awww x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Thanks Alina.. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so maybe that helps haha! Guinea pigs are the sweetest pets, seriously! Everyone that meets them falls in love ;) xxx

  3. Awh super cute snaps! They're lovely so don't be too hard on yourself. There's a blog/website called 'lighstalking' that has really easy tutorials and explanations about using DSLR's that is basically my holy grail when exploring the settings for myself didn't work out :) Hope that's in someway helpful to you :D

    little miss fii || Fii x

    1. Ahh, you superstar! Thank you. I shall definitely be checking that one out. xxx

  4. So much cuteness haha! I think you've done well to hack manual mode, it took me almost 3 years before I even bothered to try using manual! xx

    Through New Eyes x

    1. Thanks Tamzin.. There's a lot to be said for just throwing yourself in at the deep end xx

  5. Actually I think the images are pretty superb. Much better than my pictures anyway, lol. I haven't decided whether I'll take the plunge into DSLR as yet. I'm still having trouble with a regular camera. Kudos to you on doing such a great job on the first try, though.

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thanks darling... I actually don't think you really need a DSLR. All of my other pictures were taken on my iphone and I still managed to get some decent shots. I am really enjoying mine though and though it's taking a little while to get used to all the settings, I've been really pleased with some of my pics. xxx

  6. I think these pictures look amazing! And absolutely adorable too, I'm such an animal lover, haha :)x

    Anu | My life as Anu | bloglovin

    1. Ahhh, snap! Thanks for your lovely comments darling. The pigs send squeaks x


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