Monday, 21 July 2014

My favourite bloggers - Part 1

Right, I deserve a slap on the wrist for the amount of time it has taken me to write this post! The blogging world is all about sharing the love and I've been a little bit like that grumpy Christmas person... What's his name? Ah, Scrooge. Yep, that's me. My only saving grace is that I did write this lovely ol' post here about my fave pictures from Instagram, but other than that, there has been minimal love sharing going on, on this page and I am truly very, very sorry! 

So, this post is a little thumbs up to some of the blogs I just can't get enough of! There are so many great blogs to choose from, so this is probably going to be a bit tricky!
Meet Amanda and Derik from Living in Another Language. Self-confessed, travel junkies who gave up their, 'normal' lives to travel the world, and blog about it along the way.

The biggest reason that I love reading this blog, is for the travel inspiration. It seems that Amanda and Derik have been there and done it all, (and taken fabulous pictures whilst at it!)  I particularly enjoyed their picture post on Boracay in the Philippines as this is somewhere that Scott and I would love to visit. Link here. I'll leave you with some snapshots from their page, but if you love to travel or enjoy looking at pictures of white sandy beaches, do check them out! 

Whitney Ellen is the author of I Wore Yoga Pants To Work and quite frankly, she's a a star! Yoga Pants was one of the very first blogs that I discovered and I have been hooked ever since. She's the kind of girl that makes me want to move to the States, just so we could be friends. Slightly stalkerish, yes... Bothered, no! However, after reading this post about her hilarious pooch, Sir, I think I'd be better off leaving Hamish and Ralph at home. 

Whitney has so many great posts, that I really cant choose my favourites, but if you fancy learning how to open a bottle of wine with a shoe, yes really then click here and this funny post about her having her identity stolen for a dating website, will no doubt have you in stitches! Do check her out, you won't regret it! 

Next on the list of my favourite bloggers is Kirstie from A Yellow Brick Blog. She describes herself as a biscuit eater, make-up hoarder and obsessive shopper. Definitely a girl after my own heart! 

Kirstie posts super-fabulous reviews on various beauty and skin care products, as well as a bunch of other great stuff too! Some of her recent posts include a review of an eyebrow palette from Hi Impact Brows, (Click here) and a post on her favourite lip colours for Summer, (Click here.)

My absolute favourite aspect of Kirstie's blog is the, 'Dress like Disney' feature that she runs, which now has it's own Instagram page too! (Link) Basically, Kirstie takes some well-known Disney characters, and scours the web to put together outfit posts that show you how to dress like your faves. I shall leave you with some of her best looks. 
Tink Jayne - All About Tink is one of the more recent blogs that I have really got stuck into. Her easy read posts and her friendly personality are most likely to be part of the reason that she has recently been shortlisted for the best lifestyle blog in the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards, (More information here) Well done girl!

I enjoyed reading one of Tink Jayne's latest posts, in which she reviews her New Years resolutions and gives us a bit of an update on how she is getting on with them so far. (Link) I also loved her post on DIY image transferring, (Link) which had me itching to go out and buy the pens and make prints of just about everything that I could get my hands on!

As well as having fab content, Tink Jayne is one of the nicest blogger people I've encountered and she always takes the time to write funny and thoughtful comments on posts. Serious blogger brownie points! Make sure you click the links and have a nosey at her page. 

So, that is the end of, My favourite bloggers - Part 1. I really hope that, if you don't already know these lovely bloggers, you go and check out their pages and have a read of what's on offer. I PROMISE I will do part 2, and maybe 3 or 4 soon. Until next time...


  1. Aaarrghhhh Amazing! Thank you so much for the kind and lovely words.
    I love your blog too (hence all the commenting).
    I can't wait to go and check out these other blog, particularly yoga pants, who sounds hilarious! So thanks for sharing
    x tink x

    1. You're most welcome lovely! Thank YOU for all your super comments! Whitney from Yoga Pants is fantastic! I'm sure you'll love her blog just as much as I do.. Enjoy xxx

  2. Oh, and I follow Yellow Brick Road Blog too, love the fairy tale outfits :)
    x tink x

    1. Kirstie does such a great job with these! I love them xx

  3. This was soooo sweet! Thank you so much for the kind words and including me among such fabulous bloggers! What a great way to start the week. :) Hope you have a good one!

    1. No problem! Your blog is great, love reading it! Hope you have a lovely week too xx


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