Monday, 1 December 2014

10 Things I'll Definitely Be Doing This Christmas...

If there's one thing I'm a sucker for, it's got to be Christmas! It's my absolute favourite time of year and for me, the festivities always start as early as possible... or as early as Scott will allow me to start them. Our apartment is already sprinkled with fairy lights and every time I hit the shops, I come home with a new decoration to slot on my already brimming shelves. I have no shame girls and boys. 

So to get us all into the festive spirit, I thought I'd write a list of all of the things that I'll definitely be doing this year at Christmas. Do any of them sound familiar?

 ♥ Eating so much chocolate that I develop the shakes then swear I'm off chocolate until the New Year

 ♥ Have an emotional moment listening to the Pogues - Fairytale of New York and shed a tear onto my half-eaten mince pie

 ♥ Spill gravy on my Christmas jumper

 ♥ Force my Fiance to watch every Christmas film known to man, even the lesser known ones too!

 Realise that my advent calendar only goes up to the 24th of December and have a diva moment about it because, you know... I really do need that piece of chocolate on Christmas morning

 ♥ Wondering at what point I became such an adult and forgot all of the words to Away in a Manger

 ♥ Hiding the fact that I've spent as much money on Christmas presents for my pets as I have on my parents

 ♥ Drinking, bathing in, brushing my teeth with Baileys

 ♥ Tracking Santa's sleigh online and being too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve

 ♥ Feeling no shame whatsoever at eating my third turkey sandwich, half an hour after my Christmas dinner

Who else is super excited for Christmas this year?


  1. Great post, I must admit that Christmas is the only time I drink Bailys but I love it :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. Thank you. I develop an unhealthy obsession with Baileys at Christmas haha! xxx

  2. Love this! I've already forced my fiance to watch Home Alone, tonight it's Polar Express. Was distraught I could find my Elf dvd last night!

    Roxie x

    1. Haha... Sounds like you're really getting into the festive spirit! My bf is a huge fan of Home Alone so he's forced us to watch that already. I love Elf and Arthur Christmas is another one that I'm a fan of... Such a big kid! xxx

  3. I am! doing my Christmas decoration this week and I seriously can't wait!

    And don't forget to watch Love Actually - one of my all time Christmas faves :)

    1. Ooo, how lovely. It's not Christmas until you've got your decorations up! xxx

  4. I love this, it made me giggle! I'll be doing exactly the same as you my love! xx
    Vanity Fairest

  5. Hahah I love this! Can't beat the Fairytale of New York!

    What Abby Loves

  6. LOL I lovee this postt. Very inspiring and i cannot wait for chirstmasss noww :D I'm so excited because Christmas is my fave holiday of the yearrr..


    1. Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Christmas is also my favourite time of year! xxx

  7. Lol, I really hope you're not brushing your teeth with Baileys! Haha.

    Cute post!


  8. I'm so excited for Christmas! Actually the time before the actual day is my favourite, the getting ready for Christmas is what makes me really happy! x
    Mummy’s Beauty Corner
    Benefit Giveaway

    1. It's the best time of year isn't it!? I love Christmas too :) xxx

  9. I was so excited to decorate the house to the brim this year as I haven't been properly home for a Christmas in ages. Talked about it all year - and guess what, I haven't started yet! Lol. Haven't made a single decor-related purchase. :/

    Beauty Isles | Blogiversary International Giveaway: Too Faced, LORAC and NYX

    1. Ahh, you need to get cracking Kimmy! It's not Christmas without the trimmings! xxx

  10. I am so excited for Christmas this year too! I can so relate to the whole no chocolate on Christmas day thing - whose idea was that?! Someone stupid, I'm sure of it ;)

    1. Obviously someone who doesn't value the importance of chocolate on Christmas Day morning! Not cool. Thanks for commenting lovely xxx

  11. Oh my goodness, I'd loved reading these! I can totally relate to the whole spilling the gravy

    1. Thanks Kathryn. I'm not ashamed to say, it happens every year! xxx


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