The Best Christmas Cracker Jokes, Ever!
Guess what... It's Christmas next week and I'm more excited than a mouse in a cheese factory. Or in fact, myself in a cheese factory, because, well cheese is pretty exciting. I love cheese.
Wow, that was awkward.
Anyway, I thought I would put together a post, jam-packed with Christmas cracker jokes to get us all into the holiday spirit. No doubt you will have heard some of these before, so no eye-rolling guys! Are you ready?
★ What wobbles and flies? A jelly-copter.
★ What do you call a man that plays with leaves? Russle.
★ Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A mince spy.
★ What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees? Horn-aments.
★ What's green, covered in tinsel and goes ribbit, ribbit? Mistle-toad.
★ What cereal do cats like? Mice Krispies.
★ Where does Santa go when he is sick? To the elf centre.
★ What vegetable needs a plumber? A leek.
★ What bird is always out of breath? A puffin.
★ What's round and bad tempered? A vicious circle.
★ Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing? They're always dropping their needles.
★ What kind of paper likes music? W-rapping paper.
★ What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it? Nothing. It just let out a little wine.
★ How do you make an octopus laugh? With ten tickles.
★ What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas quacker.
★ What's E.T. short for? Because he's only got little legs.
★ What did Adam say the day before Christmas? It's Christmas Eve.
★ What's the most common owl in Britain? A teet owl.
Okay, some of these are pretty lame; however I couldn't help chuckling all the way through this post. Sorry, not sorry. Do you have any favourite Christmas cracker jokes? Make sure you share them in a comment below.
These jokes are hilarious!
Glad you enjoyed them lovely xxx