Monday, 2 February 2015

Home Girl Found Her Voice

A nice girl should be seen and not heard, or so the saying goes. I guess I must have never really been a nice girl because I waltzed into this world voicing my opinion to anyone that would listen. I'm what some may describe as talkative, or as Scott would probably say, opinionated. 

It's now bordering on two years ago that I persuaded/pushed Scott into agreeing that we take home the tiny bundle of fluff that we lovingly came to know as Hamish. Boy by name, but very much girl by gender, (although we wouldn't come to find that out until much, much later!) By guinea pig standards, she's technically a dwarf, and since the day we packed her into our car and drove her home, she never said one word. Not even the faintest squeak, which if you know your guinea pigs, you'll know is pretty damn unusual. The only noises I ever heard escape her fuzzy lips, were disgruntled chunners if I ever had the audacity to move when she had her ass comfy. Did I also mention she's a bit of a diva? 

It took a man appearing in her life for Hamish to finally speak up. Cue Ralph. The handsome stud with a penchant for sniffing butt and flicking turds. Male in every sense of the word; despite the fact that he'd had his balls surgically removed, but hey, that never dampened his spirits. Hamish maintained a dignified silence for almost 12 months before deciding to hell with it! She wasn't standing for his shit anymore, and in no uncertain terms, was going to be putting his arse straight - in the most high-pitched, vocal way possible. For the last couple of weeks, she's been raining a shitstorm of, 'You better back away from my carrot, bitch' and 'What the hell you playin at peeing in the house!?' on a very taken aback Ralph. She's even been singing for her supper. Whether or not she'd grown tired of biting her tongue or felt like she'd surpassed the honeymoon period of her relationship with her cage mate, it's safe to say...

Hamish finally found her voice.



  1. oh my word this is soo cute i cant even cope! that picture is just so adorable! id love it if youd comment back xx

    1. Thank you very much Amy... I shall pass on your compliments! xxx

  2. Lmao! This is amazing and definitely cheered up my Monday! Xx

  3. Cutest photo ever xx

    Abi | - don't forget to enter my giveaway

    1. Thanks... She'll be glad to know you approve! xxx

  4. This is probably the funniest post I've ever read :D hahah xx

    1. Thank you Gemma... Hamish, (and I) are glad to be of service xxx

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. I should maybe set her up her own You Tube channel ;) xxx

  6. Hahaha. What a cute post! You're funny and you've just won yourself a new follower! // US Lifestyle Blog

    1. Ahh, thank you very much. That's lovely to hear xxx

  7. Aww, bless, what a cutie! I wonder why she didn't speak for so long?! I have a guinea pig, Cotton, and her little chirps and squeaks are one of my favourite things about owning a guinea pig - I love that when I get home she starts peeping away in her cage to say hello (or to say 'feed me'...).


    1. Haha, how cute. I love the name Cotton! We bought her from practically new born, (and from not a very nice place) so I think she had little interaction with other guinea pigs etc and as a result, probably never developed her squeak. I think after listening to Ralph chirp away for 12 months, she finally decided to give it a whirl herself. She has such a funny, high-pitched squeak. xxx


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