Wednesday, 4 February 2015

It's A White Out!

I'm back with pictures of snow. Yes, I'm aware it's becoming a regular thing around here but there's just SO. DAMN. MUCH. of it! I really can't help myself. 

The last five days were spent showing my dad and sister the sights of a very snowy, Southern Finland. We went skiing, snowmobiling across a frozen lake, (I was terrified!) walking in the snow and hitting the shops in Helsinki. My family were completely taken aback by the sea of white that lay before them and kept comparing Finland to a very beautiful, Wintery Narnia. They loved it and I have to say, I completely agree with them. 

It looks like we're going to be seeing white for a while to come as this generous sprinkling appears to be here for the long haul. I think it's time to dust off my wellies and invest in a shovel.


  1. I love looking at your photographs of Finland - it is such a little Narnia!


    1. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy them :) xxx

  2. It just looks so magical, you live in such a beautiful place x

    Through New Eyes | Beauty Blog

    1. It definitely feels surreal sometimes xxx

  3. The photos are amazing!!! I miss Finland!

    1. Thank you.. It's definitely a place you never forget! xxx

  4. Even though it's beautiful and it's clear you truly appreciate it, it's moments like this when I'm like...I see why people think it's so weird that I long for the snow.

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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