Sunday, 22 June 2014

Embarrassing stuff I've done...

There's not a soul in the world that hasn't had a cringe-worthy, curl up in a ball and swallow me up moment. It's one of the funny things about life. No matter how fabulous you may be, at some point you're gonna hurl on your new dress and strut through a bar trailing loo roll on your designer shoes. Shit. just. happens. And personally, I love it! Perhaps not so much when I'm the one that life has decided to take the royal piss out of, but they're the kind of moments that make for good stories further down the road. 

I feel like starting this with a, 'don't judge me but...' however I fully expect that you will, but here are my red-face inducing, snippets of life plastered on the internet for the world and his dog to read. Enjoy. 

Embarrassing moment number 1. There's just no chance of maintaining any level of dignity when you take your pet guinea pig to the vets, point out a 'concerning' lump, only to be told that said lump is actually a penis. m.o.r.t.i.f.i.e.d. 

Embarrassing moment number 2. Feeling some smug, Lewis Hamilton level of skilled on your driving test only to be told to pull over and kindly informed that you're actually driving down the wrong side of the road. It's safe to say I failed that time. 

Embarrassing moment number 3. Chewing gum whilst having a family photograph taken, only to be pictured with a hideously contorted face. Made worse by the fact that it got superimposed onto a plate and passed around my entire family for shits and giggles. 

Embarrassing moment number 4. Drunkenly using the smoothest chat up line; 'So you're the hottest guy in Doha?' to an actual living, breathing human being! Did I catch him whilst he was on his own? Did I heck. This unholy level of cringe was played out for all to see. Although; in fairness to me, I'm now due to marry the guy so I guess it kinda worked! Go me!

Embarrassing moment number 5. Pretty much my entire existence at university. 

Embarrassing moment number 6. Thinking you can dye your hair blonde, (from dark brown) with a home bleaching kit. Hello orange hair! 

Embarrassing moment number 7. Contracting some out-of-this-world food poisoning whilst stuck out in the slums in Sri Lanka on an hour long drive to the airport. Not a solid house-like structure in sight, let alone a bathroom. The only thing that could make this situation any worse would be if some idiot decided to wear a playsuit that day.. Oh wait! 

Embarrassing moment number 8. Painting whiskers on your face like the mature year 11 student that you are, and running around the school corridors with your mate, pulling faces at your friends through the classroom windows, only to be caught by your teacher and the deputy head. We were made to stand and receive our bollocking with our handiwork still blazoned across our face for everyone to see. 

Embarrassing moment number 9. Almost setting fire to your vaj whilst trying to rescue your handbag from red-hot, shisha coals that some wise guy had knocked over. Melted my tights to my inner thigh and ended up in hospital, only to have the male nurse misunderstand my story and tell the entire ward I'd burnt myself on a shish kebab. And here's me thinking life couldn't get any lower!

Embarrassing moment number 10. Trying to act calm and collected when the slightest, unsavoury thing happens; but in fact just fainting because you're a sad excuse for a human being.

Embarrassing moment number 11. Thinking it's cool to drink cider with your mates when you're 14 years old. Getting so drunk that you fall face first in a pile of mud and have to be carried home. Once home, you realise you've got a tonne of dirt in your mouth and spit it out, only to inadvertently spit on your grandma. 
So we're still not judging right? Pop your cringe-worthy moments in a comment below and let me know that I'm not alone in this cruel, 'what the hell is life?' world! 


  1. Oh, lord! This was too funny. I've got my driving test soon so I'll be sure not to do what you did. Also, ouch - the tights melted to the leg story must have really hurt! x

    1. Thank you! I have so many stories of my poor driving skills, it's unreal. Kind of a standard joke in my family! As for the tight-melting situation, I was drunk, (as I appear to be in every situation I write about on my blog) so it wasn't as painful as it could have been! Ha xx

  2. Haha!!!! This is a brilliant post, so funny!! I definitely have a few of these type of stories that have happened to me!!! Fab post!!!xx

    1. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Haha.. Thanks for commenting :) xx

  3. haha, tears rolling down my face after reading this. LOVE this post. LOVE your blog. x

    1. Ahh, thanks! You've made my day with that comment! xx

  4. This actually made me laugh out loud!! I bloody love posts like these as they are so refreshing! I'm with you on the embarrassing chat up line one too, I've done that myself haha! :)


    1. Glad you liked it. Why on earth anyone thinks cringey chat up lines are acceptable, no matter how many drinks you've had, I'll never know! Haha xx

  5. Haha, these are brilliant. My worst was probably in about year 6 or 7 answering a question in RE and mixing up the words Protestant and Prostitute. Shame.

    1. Oh wow.. I bet that went down like a lead balloon! Haha.. xx

  6. Haha omg! Moment 11 jut had me laughing hard. At least you have funny memories to look back on :)

    Much love,

    Lauren Nicole O'Hara

    1. I doubt my nan felt the same way; however, I'm glad you enjoyed it haha! Thanks for commenting Lauren xx

  7. God that tights story made me cringe. But okay, here it goes, one of my many embarrassing stories.
    I went to University thinking that here i would come up with a complete new image. I got that alright, after the freshman trip one month into the semester i was known as that girl that vomited into the cooking pot (in my defines somebody else held it under my face). People would come up to me and ask me if i was "the girl which vomited into the cooking pot" I learned from that experience that not eating all day and drinking white wine out of a tetra package is a really toxic combination. Well life went on and beginning of next semester people had forgotten about it. Still a fond memory (really not)

    1. Oh my... I literally burst out laughing reading that! Haha.. Glad it's all forgotten about now! xxx


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