Friday 12 February 2016

The Anti Valentine's

red roses valentines day

Ahh, Valentine's Day. Here you come again with your smattering of heart-shaped declarations of love and the ability to make sane, rational people curl up into a ball and guzzle down buckets of ice cream whilst crying into their H&M sweater.

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. 

And before we start throwing around accusations, no, I'm not a bitter old spinster with a handful of cats and an evil eye for anyone who so dares to be happy in my presence. I'm one of those happily married folk, although less annoying than the smug ones who flaunt it on Facebook every hour. Or so I like to think. 

No. I just don't do Valentine's Day. The whole concept of having to be extra nice and loving on one particular day in the year is alien to me. Mostly because I only reserve my kindness towards my husband for his birthday, (Okay I kid) but I always end up questioning how genuine the sentiment is. Are we doing this for us or because some greeting card company wants to cash in on another ridiculous holiday? 

I'll just reiterate - not old and bitter here. Honestly. 

My husband and I's first Valentine's Day was spent in Qatar. He wanted to take me out but I insisted that we stay in, stuff our faces with food and get merrily intoxicated. Pretty much like any other non-school night. And so it became tradition that we would spend the day of love in our comfies, because stretchy waistband, and devour our feelings in cake and vodka. It really doesn't get more romantic than that.

This year will be much of the same. Scott and I have zero plans other than to stay in and over indulge. Those who get uncomfortably round together, stay together. That's pretty much my marriage mantra.

Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? Relationship folk - do you like to go out and do something special or keep things low-key? Single folk - do you have any non-stilton, cheese-fest plans for Valentine's Day this year? 

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