Wednesday 14 September 2016

Maybelline Lash Sensational Vs Luscious - Comparison Review

It's no secret, I love the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. Whenever I'm asked to suggest a reasonably-priced, great all round mascara, this is the one I put forward. And yes, it's so good I bought back ups and the Waterproof version too. #Committed.

When I saw that Maybelline had released a 'Luscious' version of one of their best-selling mascaras, I knew that I needed to try it out to see how it compares to the original. 

Maybelline Lash Sensational Vs Luscious - Comparison Review
Maybelline Lash Sensational Vs Luscious - Comparison Review

Lash Sensational Luscious is different to the original Lash Sensational Mascara in that it is infused with, 'precious oils' - Rose Oil, Safflower Oil and Argan Oil, to give softer, denser lashes. The wand is also different, with a tapered head and deep reservoirs that are designed to pool the product and give better application, rather than the curved, fan-like appearance of the original brush. 

Maybelline Lash Sensational Vs Luscious - Comparison Review

I like the tapered shape of the Luscious wand, however I find that it applies too much product to my lashes if I don't scrape of the excess before hand. I don't know if it's necessarily due to the overall design of the brush or down to the fact that the formula is very thick. Speaking of which, I find that the Luscious Mascara definitely gives more of a dramatic look to the lashes. It's ever so slightly 'blacker,' I feel, and one coat is certainly enough to give very full, longer looking lashes, however it's a clumper and without care, you can end up with six, fat lashes.

Not cute.

It's also a bitch to remove. It reminds me of Benefit's They're Real Mascara, which I found would build up on my lashes and complete removal at the end of the day was nigh on impossible without some form of scrubbing, an issue I never seem to have with the original Lash Sensational.

I also don't notice any difference regarding the infusion of oils. My lashes aren't softer, or at least not noticeably so. 

But it's not all bad, I find that I get less clumping and a better overall finish if I use a simple mascara first to coat and separate the lashes, then amp it up with a layer of this over the top. It reduces the likelihood of my lashes sticking together and gives a fuller, 'false lash' effect. It is a show-stopping mascara and would certainly be suited to those who crave dramatic lashes.

Would I buy the Luscious Mascara again? Probably. The original Lash Sensational is easier to work with and is probably more suited to everyday use, but for an evening/night out mascara, Luscious is worth the extra effort. 

Have you tried either of these mascaras from Maybelline? If so, what are your thoughts? What do you typically look for in a mascara? 


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