Saturday 3 January 2015

My Christmas in Finland

Christmas last year, (I'm still not comfortable with this new year malarky yet) was a bit of a different one for Scott and I. It was the first one where we didn't have to catch a flight somewhere and the first in which we could spend it together with both of our families in tow. 

The location? An absolutely incredible, snowy Finland. 

We had accommodation booked in the far south-east of the country, in an area called Rauha, near Imatra. We were apprehensive that we may not get a white Christmas as the temperature had been on the wrong side of zero for longer than we'd expected; however we needn't have worried. When we arrived, we were greeted by several inches of powdery, white snow in one of the most beautiful locations that we could have possibly wished for. Right on the edge of an almost frozen lake, this truly felt like Christmas and we were so happy to be sharing the experience with our families. 

Although most of us were ill over the festive period, (typical) we still managed to make the most of our time together. We made snow angels, threw snowballs, saw reindeer, rode ski-dos and ate an enormous Christmas dinner cooked by Scott and I. And yes... we managed to feed everyone without hating each other too much

Everyone had such an amazing time and our families were definitely sad to be leaving this spectacular country. I doubt it's the last time that they will be visiting Finland for the festive season, but until next time...

Kiitos Suomi 



  1. It looked absolutely amazing! Snow always makes it more Christmassy, we haven't had any yet. Looks like you had a great time x

    Through New Eyes | Beauty Blog

    1. I couldn't agree more, having snow at Christmas makes it feel far more festive! Fingers crossed you get some soon; although it's a little late now ha! Thanks for commenting my dear xxx

  2. Wow these photos are amazing! It looks beautiful what a fabulous way to spend the festive season xx


    1. Thank you very much Nicole. It really was magical xxx

  3. Oh wow it looks like the most amazing Christmas!!! It looks so magical, and festive xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Thank you Gemma. It was amazing, far better than we had hoped! xxx

  4. What gorgeous photos! Hope you had an amazing time and happy new year lovely

    X Emma |

    1. Thanks lovely... Hope you had a perfect festive season too! :) xxx

  5. That looks like an amazing Christmas! The Reindeer is gorgeous! What a lovely post xxx

    1. Thank you Tasha. The reindeer was really cute, so glad we got to see them as we didn't know they were going to be there! xxx

  6. Oh my goodness, your photographs are amazing! What a perfect location for Christmas with loved ones. Even though you were unwell, I'm glad it sounds like you still managed to have a wonderful Christmas!


    1. Thank you very much Charlene. It was such a beautiful location and we really lucked out with the weather. Snow at Christmas is the best! xxx

  7. It looks like you had such an amazing Christmas, the place looks so beautiful and I'm glad there was plenty of snow for you :) I am returning to Tampere in 2 weeks wooo, just hoping the lakes are frozen enough for walking then and there is plenty of snow too! xxx

    1. PS i had the worst cold over Christmas too, i think its almost a tradition to be ill haha hope youre feeling better now :) xx

    2. Oh wow, it's amazing that you've booked to return! If by any stroke of luck, or you happen to get lost and end up in small-town Kotka, you'll have to give me a shout! Haha... I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to in Tampere as we still haven't been yet. It's a bit of a trek over for us but we need to do it at some point.

      A cold at Christmas is pretty much standard for me, hope you've recovered from yours. It sucks to be ill but we all still had fun xxx

  8. It looks so beautiful! The snow is such so pretty and it sounds like you had an amazing time with your families x

    Beauty with charm

    1. It was amazing Alina! Like a scene from a Christmas card! Haha... Hope you had a great festive season. Thanks for commenting lovely xxx


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